Ithaca is one of the smallest inhabited islands of the Ionian Sea, it has about 2,500 residents, most of them living in the island's capital and the main ferry port, Vathi.
Besides its historical significance (many experts identify it with the island of Ithaki from Homer's Odyssey), Ithaki is undeniably a beautiful island and therefore many yachtsmen traveling on charter yachts are trying to visit it. There are three ports on the island where yachts can anchor at the pier, they are Frickes, Kioni and Vathi. In addition, there are many friendly and safe anchorages for yachts.
The Bay of Molou, located in the middle of the island, is deeply cut into the land, which in this place forms an isthmus only 0.5 km wide, connecting the two parts of the island. At the southern part rises Mountain Merovulo (552 m) with rocks, but overgrown with greenery, and in the north is Nerit (806 m) with many strawberry trees and the monastery of Kafaron.
The island of Ithaca is so popular thanks to Homer's "Odyssey" that it is visited by almost all yachtsmen who happened to be in the Ionian Islands.