Krk Island is located in the Gulf of Rijeka in Croatia, between the mainland in the east and Cres Island in the west, from which it is separated by a 3-mile wide strait.
The northern tip of Krk island is connected with the mainland by a 45 meter long road bridge with busy traffic between Rijeka and the international airport at the north-eastern end of Krk island. The main harbor of the island of Krk has piers for yachts and is a good shelter from waves and winds from all directions, except strong southerly.
The second big marina for 800 yachts is located in Punat two miles to the east from Krk town. Punat is very popular for wintering yachts. The somewhat smaller yacht ports and anchorages near the island's shores you can visited in suitable conditions, but only a few of them provide any facilities for yachts.