Rab Island is located off the mainland coast of Croatia, 10 miles east of Cres Island and six miles from Croatia's largest island, Krk. The three-mile wide Paski Channel separates Rab from the Pag Island to the south. Between the island and the mainland is the infamous Velebitski Channel, where winds in excess of 60 knots were recorded during ferocious northern winds known as Bora. Bora has stripped most of the vegetation from the eastern side of the island, which is strikingly different from the western side, which is green and fertile, with pine forests, olive groves and vineyards.
Although Rab is less visited than the islands of Krk or Cres, which are easily accessible from Rijeka or Pula international airport, Rab has its share of tourists, attracted by its pine forests and sheltered beaches. Most of the island's main attractions are in the medieval town of Rab, famous for its churches and bell towers dating back to the 12th century. The Lopar Peninsula in the northern part of the island has more than 20 beautiful beaches fringed by pine forests.
Yachts most often visit the town of Rab and the yacht marina Rab located on this sheltered western side, while eight miles north-north-west is the large yacht marina of Supetarska Draga. In addition, on the coast of the island there are several small bays with convenient anchorages, mostly along the sheltered western shores, but with very limited facilities for yachts.
Город Раб
есть еще маленькая деталь, в городе Раб родился каменщик Марин, которого выгнали из города за пропаганду христианства, после чего он перебрался в Италию и основал поселение известное сейчас как Республика Сан-Марино. есть еще аптека которая никогда не закрывалась с милымими картинками про чуму и шикарная энотека. стоять конечно лучше лагом в городе.