+7 926 856 9648
Yachts in St. Anne's Marine National Park
Type: anchorage
GPS: 04°36.834'S, 055°30.316'E
  • overnight
  • own anchor
  • Wi-Fi on shore


The yacht anchorage is located in the Strait of Saint Anne between the islands of Sainte Anne, Ronde and Moyenne at 5-8 meters depth. The bottom is sandy and the anchor holds well.

To open Navionics chart of yacht anchorage in St. Anne's Strait

Sainte Anne Island is the center of St. Anne National Marine Park, which also includes the equally scenic islands of Cerf, Longue, Ronde and Moyenne. During World War II St. Anne's Island was the base of the Royal marine corps stationed there for protection of Victoria's port in case of enemy attack. In the early 19th century, the area was occupied by the whaling fleet. Today, a boat trip to St. Anne's Marine National Park is an immersion in the wonders of nature with excellent diving and snorkeling as well as a number of restaurants serving local cuisine.

Yacht anchorages in St. Anne's Strait
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