+7 926 856 9648
Anchorage at the Rock Islands
Type: anchorage
GPS: 07°12.897'N, 099°03.859'E
  • overnight
  • own anchor
  • buoy
Rock Islands (Ko Rok Nai and Ko Rok Nok) are located 15 miles south of Ko Lanta. The size of each island is 1x2 kilometers. The Rock Islands are separated by a 250-meter wide strait.
To open Navionics chart of yacht anchorage near the Rock Islands. Sea of Andaman. Thailand

Yacht mooring on buoys or your own anchor at a depth of 5-10 meters on the sand. Be careful not to anchorage on corals because you may damage them and your anchor may get stuck in them.

The Rock Islands and coastal waters are part of Mu Ko Lanta National Marine Park. The Rock Islands are famous for their beaches and coral gardens. The islands are covered with untouched jungle where live two-meter-long varanas, hundreds of species of birds and small rodents. Only national park rangers live here.

The islands are popular with yachtsmen because they are an excellent place for snorkeling and diving, suitable for beginners because the waters surrounding the islands do not have strong currents, the water is clear, excellent visibility and shallow depth. The underwater world near the islands is rich with tropical fish, white and blue hard corals, sea anemones and other species of marine life.

In May 2022, it was reported that the national park was closed. You can anchor or buoy, but swimming and going ashore are prohibited.

Anchorages at the Rock Islands
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Комментарии (1) 
29.04.2018 09:25:00

Якорная стоянка яхт у островов Рок

Бросать якорь там можно, но лучше воспользоваться одним из мурингов. При бросании якоря есть большая вероятность зацепиться за кораллы. Снимать якорь с коралла - занятие не самое легкое и приятное. Да и без участия яхтсменов кораллы там уже достаточно разбиты спидботами. При заходе на муринг будьте внимательны. Часть мурингов предназначена для спидботов, т.е. расположены они в кораллах на небольшой глубине. К сожалению именно на Ко Рок (в отличие от других парковок в этой акватории) муринги для спидботов выглядят так же как и для яхт.