The Adriatic coast of Italy stretches from Trieste at the Slovenian border in the north to Otranto in the south on the “boot heel”.
Italy's Adriatic coast is not as popular with yachtsmen as neighboring Croatia, Montenegro or Slovenia. Admittedly, the scenery along the Italian Adriatic coast cannot match the splendor of Croatia's mountains and islands, but there are several marinas, ports and anchorages.
The sea off the Italian Adriatic coast is shallow, especially in the north in the Gulf of Venice. Many of the harbors are located at the mouths of rivers and the entrance fairways are frequently changing and silting up. They can be dangerous to enter by yacht, especially if there are strong onshore winds or swells.
Adriatic Italy, however, has charm. Its people are friendly and hospitable, and on the Adriatic, many of its historic towns are less spoiled by tourism than Italy's Mediterranean coast.
The most popular among yachtsmen traveling on chartered yachts are the routes along the northern Italian Adriatic, particularly the voyage from the Istrian peninsula (from Slovenia or Croatia) to Venice.
One of the short but very popular sailing regattas in which you can participate on a yacht for hire is the Brindisi - Corfu regatta.
The best places to rent a charter yacht for a trip along Italy's northern Adriatic coast are Trieste or Slovenia's Koper or Portorož.