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Yacht Club Societa Triestina

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Yacht Club Societa Triestina
Type: marina
GPS: 45°38.873'N, 013°45.564'E

Tel: +39 (040) 306 327

  • overnight
  • mooring lines
  • water
  • electricity

Trieste Yacht Club (Societa Triestina della Vela) is located in the western part of the Sacchetta harbor, which is part of the old port of Porto Vecchio in Trieste.

Map of yacht moorings in Societa Triestina Yacht Club

The Yacht Club of Trieste is mainly engaged in organizing various regattas, sporting and social events, as well as accepting transit yachts when the club's piers are available. The piers have depths of 2-14 meters. Please call the club by phone to check the availability of a berth for your yacht.

The price of yacht berthing at the club piers is lower than in the marina, but there are less services - only water and electricity on all pontoons.

Yacht Club Societa Triestina
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