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Yacht Club Lega Navale Italiana Grado

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Yacht Club Lega Navale Italiana Grado
Type: marina
GPS: 45°41.003'N, 013°22.810'E

VHF: канал 67
Tel:  +393351766660
        +39 0431 81706 

  • overnight
  • mooring lines
  • water
  • electricity
  • shower
  • WC

Yacht Club Lega Navale Italiana Grado is located just behind the Porto San Vito marina immediately east of it.

Yacht moorings in Yacht Club Lega Navale Italiana Grado

Yacht Club Lega Navale Italiana Grado is located in two areas.

Lega Navale Grado

1 - piers at via Aquileia, 54. Here you will find moorings for club members, offices, restaurants, sailing school.

Lega Navale Grado

2 - the waterfronts of the riva San Marco. Here are the moorings for club members, the old port, berths for transit yachts. Depths at the berths are up to 2.6 meters. An ideal shelter for yachts.

Lega Navale Grado

Approach to the old port along the channel. Depths in the channel are at least 2.2-3.0 meters.

Lega Navale Grado

Yacht Club Lega Navale Italiana Grado
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