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Yacht Mooring in Marina Ortona

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Yacht Mooring in Marina Ortona
Type: marina
GPS: 42°20.820'N, 014°24.762'E

VHF: channel 09
 +39 0 859 06 41 71

  • overnight
  • mooring lines
  • pile mooring
  • water
  • electricity
  • fuel
  • shower
  • WC

Marina di Ortona is located on the Adriatic coast of Italy in the town of Ortona, 87 miles south-south-east of Ancona.

Map of Yacht Mooring in Marina Ortona

Ortona Yacht Marina has 210 mooring berths for yachts up to 30 meters in length. Depths in the marina are up to 6.5 meters. The marina provides good shelter for yachts in all weather conditions. Due to the ship traffic in the harbor, small waves often enter the marina.

There is a sandy beach next to the marina. There are bars and restaurants. The Aragonese Castle and a number of other attractions are within half an hour's walk near the northern part of the harbor.

Yacht Mooring in Marina Ortona
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