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Yacht mooring in Gulianova harbor

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Yacht Mooring Porto Giulianovo
Type: marina
GPS: 42°45.217'N, 013°58.425'E

VHF: channel 09
 +39 085 800 5888 
       +39 348 221 5358 

  • overnight
  • mooring lines
  • pile mooring
  • water
  • electricity
  • shower
  • WC

Porto di Giulianova is located on the Adriatic coast of Italy in the town of Giulianova, 57 miles south-southeast of Ancona.

Map of Yacht Mooring Porto Giulianovo

The marinas in the port of Giulianova are located in the western most protected part of the port.

Yacht Mooring Porto Giulianovo

1 - Maritime Club Marina (Circolo Nautico V.Migliori). The marina has 90 mooring places at floating pontoons and concrete piers for yachts up to 15 meters in length. The depths in the marina are up to 2.5 meters. The marina is a good shelter for yachts in all weather conditions.

Circolo Nautico V.Migliori

VHF: channel 09
 +39 085 800 4972 
       +39 320 043 7748

2 - Marina Porto Giulianova (Ente Porto giulianova). Yachts are moored at floating pontoons. The maximum allowed length of yachts is 22 meters. Depths in the marina are up to 3.0 meters. The marina is a good shelter for yachts in all weather conditions.

Yacht Mooring Porto Giulianovo

There is a yacht repair and maintenance yard on the port area.

VHF: channel 09
 +39 085 800 5888 
       +39 348 221 5358 

There are bars, restaurants, stores in and around the marina.  The city center is within walking distance.

Yacht mooring in Gulianova harbor
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