- overnight
- alongside
- own anchor
- water
- WC
Wall Bay is located in the southeast corner of Scopea Limani. The bay is also known as Ruin Bay.
On the north-west shore of Wall Bay there is a quay consisting of two piers to which yachts can get moored alongside. Depths range are from more than 10 meters at the outside of the outer pier to 2-3 meters on the inside of the inner pier. The piers have births for 30 yachts. Restaurant staff are helping with mooring. Mooring yachts at the pier is free of charge, but you have to go to the restaurant.
Also you can anchorage with lines from the stern of the yacht with to one of the orange posts ashore. The anchor is at 15-20 meters depth. The bottom is sand, silt, stones. Holding is good.
The bay are sheltered from all winds except north-easterly.
In the southern corner of the bay there are ruins known as Cleopatra's Baths or Roman Baths.