Type: pier
GPS: 36°40.527'N, 028°54.923'E
- overnight
- alongside
- own anchor
Tersane Creek Bay is located at the north-western of Tersane Island at the northern entrance to Skopea Limani.
In Tersane Creek bay yachts can moored to the Tersane Koyu restaurant pier. About 15 yachts can moored at the pier. There are fixed moorings.
Restaurant pier in Tersan Creek Bay
In addition, yachts can have anchorage on either side of the bay, although most will choose the west side of the bay for some reason. Anchor at a depth of 8 - 10 meters with lines to the shore.
The shelter here is very good. The bay is open only to northwest winds.
Tersane Creek is a very pleasant bay, with by olive groves surrounded and the ruins of a Byzantine or Ottoman shipyard.