Type: anchorage
GPS: 44°03.779'N, 009°55.321'E
- overnight
- own anchor
Two small bays of Fiascherino is located on the north-east coast of La Spezia Gulf, 2 miles south-east of the harbor entrance La Spezia.
In both bays of Fiascherino yachts are anchored closer to the entrance of the bays at depths of 10-15 meters. The seabed is sandy (closer to the shore it is stony). Holding is good. The bays are open to the south-west, but shelter the yachts well from the north and east winds and waves.
North Bay North Fiascherino
South Bay of Fiascherino
There is a resort village with beaches and a buoy-fenced swimming area on the shore. There is a restaurant in the north-west corner of the south bay.