The south and west coasts of Sardinia stretch from Carbonara, the south-eastern tip of the island, to Cape Falcone, the north-western tip. Much of Sardinia's southern coastline is occupied by the large south-facing Gulf of Carbonara, at the northern end of which lies the island's largest city, Cagliari. Despite the fact that the coastline of the southern coast is quite rugged, there are not many spots suitable for anchorage of yachts, but there are a few marinas. One of them, in Cagliari, is home to several charter companies offering yachts for rent.
The coastline of the west coast is smoother, with many long sandy beaches in the central part, but yachts can only anchor near them in calm weather. Closer to the north, the coasts become rocky and sandy beaches are rare. The largest towns are Alhero (in the northern part of the coast) and in the middle part of the west coast.
There are several marinas on the west coast of Sardinia, which allow yachtsmen to sail along it without overnight crossings.