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Weather and wind in Cuba

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Weather and wind in Cuba

Cuba, like the entire Caribbean Sea, is in a tropical climate zone, which is influenced by the trade winds. Average monthly temperatures range from 23 to 27°C. Cloudiness is 4 to 5. The average annual rainfall in Cuba ranges from 1,000 mm to 1,500 mm. North-east trade winds with average speeds of 8-17 knots prevail. From October to February, it blows from the north-east. In March, the wind begins to move eastward and blows from the south-east from June through September.

From June to November, Cuba and the Caribbean are in hurricane season. Tropical storms and cyclones usually come from the east and affect Cuba, especially in the eastern part. Hurricanes are most likely from August to October. Hurricanes are infrequent, but can sometimes be devastating, bringing heavy rains and hurricane force winds, so this period is not recommended for yachting.

Some hurricanes that caused significant damage to the island were Hurricane Cuban in November 1932, Hurricane Flora in October 1963, Georges in September 1998, Gustav in late August 2008, Ike in September 2008, Sandy in late October 2012 and Irma in September 2017.

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Weather and wind in Cuba
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