Chioggia, a town located in the southern part of the Venetian Lagoon, is the second capital of the Venetian Lagoon. Chioggia, like Venice, is located on several islands connected to each other and to the mainland by bridges. Chioggia is connected by navigable channels with Venice. The path and depths of the canals should be checked with local marinas. The main channels are illuminated.
Almost all communication of the former Venice with the south of Italy and with the overseas possessions of the Republic once went through Chioggia. In the XVIII century, the city was crowded with all those who escaped dealing with the Venetian police, but wanted to be close to Venice. Smugglers, bankrupts, hustlers, usurers, charlatans and purveyors of forbidden pleasures were flocking here. Casanova more than once found himself a guest of the lagoon town and a visitor to its strange brothels.
Closest to Chioggia is the southernmost entrance to the Venetian Lagoon, Porto di Chioggia. There are several marinas and anchorages in Chioggia.