Procida is a small island, part of the Phlegraean Archipelago, located two miles east of the island of Ischia and one and a half miles from the Italian mainland. The island has a volcanic origin.
During the Roman era, the island was a place of exile for the Roman aristocracy. There is a version that on Procida Brutus and Cassius hatched a plot to assassinate Julius Caesar. Due to its strategic position at the entrance to the Gulf of Naples, Procida has a number of fortifications dating from the medieval period up to the Napoleonic Wars. Today, the island's main industry is tourism.
There are three mooring possibilities for transient yachts: the Marina di Procida, the harbor of Ciaiollella and the crowded Corricella marina. In calm weather, yachts may be anchored in the bay to the south of the tiny adjacent island of Vivara, which is connected to Procida by a footbridge.